Baptist leaders together in advocacySEPT 10-12, 2019
Since 2016 Baptist leaders from across Australia have come together for three days to meet with our political leaders and urge them to do justice. In 2019 we will gather again from September 9-11.
Why Converge?
Converge is an opportunity for leaders from the Baptist movement across Australia to speak with our Federal politicians about justice issues that concern us and to build a reputation as a faith community that offers constructive and thoughtful contributions to our national life.
Who Attends?
Delegates are senior leaders in the Australian Baptist movement. They include the Directors of Ministry for State Associations and 2-5 key State leaders that the DOMs invite to join them; the CEO’s and some senior staff of our major agencies – Baptist World Aid and Baptist Care; the Director of National Ministries for Australian Baptist Ministries.
Which Issues?
Each year we focus on one or two themes. The themes for 2019 will be finalised after the Federal election (anticipated in May). In previous years we have focussed on refugees, global supply chains, and domestic and family violence.
Who Organises?
Converge is an activity of Australian Baptist Ministries. The Converge Planning Team is chaired by the Director of A Just Cause and includes people from the main groups in the Australian Baptist movement who are involved in advocacy for justice – A Just Cause,Baptist World Aid Australia, Baptist Care Australia, and the NSW & ACT Baptist Public Engagement Group.