advocating for

climate justice

Our Advocacy Asks

Download the advocacy briefing on climate change & biodiversity produced by the advocacy team at Baptist World Aid Australia

Key Dates

Key dates for listening, participating, and praying in the process of reconciliation and justice.

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Learning Circle

Join our learning circle of churches committed to reconciliation and justice for the First Nations.

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Key Dates

There are many dates on which your church can celebrate, pray about and advocate for the earth and its living creatures. Select a date (or dates) from the list below. The links will take you to the websites for special days. Note also the worship, prayer, action and advocacy resources that you might choose to use on these dates can be found in the resources section of this page.




Present-Federal Election

A Real Plan Campaign
Call on the Federal Government to produce a real plan to combat Cimate Change.

Saturday March 26,2022

Earth Hour
Invite your church members to participate in the world’s largest movement to protect our planet.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

International Biodiversity Day
A great moment to reflect on, pray for and act for bidoiversity.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

World Environment Day
Falls on a Sunday in 2022. A great moment to reflect on, pray for and act for creation care.

Sunday July 31, 2022

National Tree Day
Join hundreds of thousands of Australians in planting 1 million trees

Learning Circles

Participate in our Creation Care Learning  Circle

Date: 1
Meeting 1 details

Date 2
Meeting 2 Details

Date 3
Meeting  3 details

Date 4
Meetign 4 details






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See your local library or preferred bookshop.

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Helpful Websites

Australians Together

An organisation based in South Australia that focuses on helping non-Indigenous Australians hear the stories of First Nations people to better understand the past and its impacts and to find the way forward. The website has a host of resources, including a section devoted to resources for  churches.

Common Grace

An online Christian movement for justice that includes a strong focus on justice for the First Nations. Led by First Nations  CEO Brooke Prentis the Common Grace website includes resources for churches.

Closing the Gap

The website for the Closing the Gap partnership between the Council of Australian Governments and First Nations communities to address disadvantage. It includes a lot of information about the Closing the Gap goals and their implementation.

Change the Record

Run by a coalition of First Nations experts in health, law and family violence, Change the Record seeks to end the high rates of incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and violence against Aboriginal and Torrest Strait Islander women.

Uluru Statement

A First Nations  led campaign to promote understanding of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and support for its calls for Voice, Treaty and Truth-telling.

Reconciliation Australia

Reconciliation Australia is the lead body for reconciliation in Australia. RA seeks to build “relationships, respect and trust between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”


Website for the annual NAIDOC week. Lots of info and resources that can be used at anytime, but particularly if your church celebrates NAIDOC week.